Britney is going to shoot the photos for her album (album shoot) soon, according to a dutch male model. He is in New York right now and tweeted that he could've been there, but he can't since he's flying back to The Netherlands before the "album shoot".
It's starting...
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]He is a quite succesful model, who is doing a lot of fashion weeks worldwide... so I don't think he is/would lying/lie.
The twitteraccount is in Dutch though, so I'll translate his tweets.
First tweet: Britney Spears gaat dr nieuwe album pics schieten. Hoor net dat ik er bij kan zijn, maar wie vliegt er snel weer naar Amsterdam.. f*ck me
Translated: Britney Spears is going to shoot her album pics. Just heared I could be there, but guess who's flying back to amsterdam soon.. f*ck me
第一條:布蘭妮就要拍攝她的新專輯宣傳照了 剛得到消息我要去當麻豆
Second tweet: @ItsNoelKanhai Nee shoot Britney is over een paar weken, maar dan ben ik alweer in NL #jammer
Translated: @ItsNoelKanhai No the Britney shoot is in a few weeks, but at that time I'll be back in Holland again #bummer
第二條:給布蘭妮當模特應該是下周内的事情 之後我會飛回荷蘭
I think we really can expect the album to be out early next year. Al the recordings, visits @ Jive and now the album shoot...