[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本圖。]蕾哈娜新專輯的母雞頭被網友認為是抄襲eva今年初Silly boy的宣傳造型
Rihanna is causing drama on the blogs yet again. A new promo photo from
her upcoming album, Rated R was leaked to Rihanna Daily on Wednesday
and it looks eerily similar to the promo shots that up and coming
singer/songwriter Eva Simons released earlier this year. Some people
are saying Riri swagger jacked Eva’s look!
Many of you may remember Eva from the posts we did on her last month
featuring her song, “Silly Boy”. Everyone on youtube thought it was a
new RIhanna and Lady Gaga track, but word quickly spread that Simons
co-wrote and produced the track and she now has major label
distribution for her upcoming debut album. All I know is that they
could pass for twins if you look fast enough!
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。][您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本圖。]eva simons