這次翻唱喬治麥可經典One More Try頗受好評 可我依舊比較喜歡幾年前Beverley Knight錄製的版本
也許無關歌手 曲子本身動聽耐人尋味
kaihei 寫到:
MC的新専不錯聽。我也會給她一個B/B+ 不過總是好像差了點什麼。。
she obviously doesn't have such a good taste in music you can track that by looking at how she made #beautiful such a short song yet made the whole album super lengthy and redundant (plus the best producers are leaving her)
sounds like she can't outdo herself in the foreseeable future.. what a pity.
我知道一直拿這張出來講很煩 但小弟真的愛這張愛到有點希望MC在這張後就消失 留給世界一個神話的形象 不用像現在這麼狼狽給人笑話 [您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本圖。] 這位金屬夜奢華的瑪姐已經死了嗎!? 全專試聽連結 整張沒有一首歌可以skip 當年沒有當主打的幾首 Mine Again, Stay The Night, Circles, I Wish You Knew, Fly Like A Bird 拿出來氣場都能砸死現在新專的任何一首
而這些主打就更不用說了, 這位知性氣質的女人是怎麼變成花癡大嬸的呢
Dekiru 至尊妮神
::::: : You Can Go Your Own Way 文章總數 : 5030 來自 : Homeland Security 今日心情 : Summertime, sadness excluded 最愛妮歌 : OIDIA 妮幣 : 10752 Karma : 427
我知道一直拿這張出來講很煩 但小弟真的愛這張愛到有點希望MC在這張後就消失 留給世界一個神話的形象 不用像現在這麼狼狽給人笑話 [您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本圖。] 這位金屬夜奢華的瑪姐已經死了嗎!? 全專試聽連結 整張沒有一首歌可以skip 當年沒有當主打的幾首 Mine Again, Stay The Night, Circles, I Wish You Knew, Fly Like A Bird 拿出來氣場都能砸死現在新專的任何一首
而這些主打就更不用說了, 這位知性氣質的女人是怎麼變成花癡大嬸的呢
TEOM不說 如果E=MC2那張最終打起來的是類似Ill be lovin u long time之類的 或許她之後專輯品味會好一些 剩下filler實在太多 結果卻全都是歌迷反響好的 至少!她這張專輯還知道要找一些新人(miguel之類)來補充正能量
當年Lana Del Rey被媒體由各種奇怪理由封殺的時候,她其實吸引到了一票人的注意, 一夜之間 她在SNL上不盡人意的表演 被無數媒體扭曲、放大檢視, 雖然事實上 這場表演確實差強人意 而且還因為自我辯護“I looked beautiful and sung fine”被抨擊, 但她的意圖也很明確:要讓大家看見她的音樂、她的企圖; 事到如今,Ultraviolence就是Lana在兩年內作詞作曲以及演唱水平進步之下交給大家的滿意答案。
Lana的音樂趨於成熟可以追溯到Born To Die以及Paradise之間的過渡。 她不是原來那個聖費南多谷裡長大的千金小姐,而是她自己可能會宣稱的“凡間天使”—— 或者H&M代言人,或者加州女孩,whatever you like; 重點在於 經過兩張唱片的歷練 她是一個已經沈澱下來的完整藝人。
很明確的兩點是, 她不像Adele 因為她有遠比Adele理性的視角, 但同時她顯然也不像布蘭妮(which她聲稱影響了自己很多)因為她的感知遠比布蘭妮來得滄桑; 除開從她出道以來就Solid的實力不談,Lana的這張專輯是對自己定位很清晰的一個Statement, 她希望在音樂中探索一般pop藝人無法企及的想法 但同時又不希望涉足最高深莫測的音樂根源。 這兩年玩根源性音樂的藝人不是沒有,JT和Ariana Grande最近都得到了上世紀R&B黃金年代的真傳, 但就因為這樣 Lana Del Rey就不如他們了嗎?不盡然, 因為就算沒有某種特定的根源音樂坐墊背 她的實力也夠把專輯的品質撐起來。
先從這張專輯最優秀的兩首歌曲說起, Brooklyn Baby的每一個細節都堪稱無價, 貫穿歌曲頭尾的“La la la”與後半段的harmony是整張專輯的靈魂瞬間, 最後的acoustic演奏進一步將整首歌的意境帶上了天,有跟前任Lana神曲Video Games競爭signature track的潛力。 歌詞也是寫得不能再更好: “They judge me like a picture book By the colors, like they forgot to read I think we're like fire and water I think we're like the wind and sea”
I love the atmosphere and it's a really perfect album opener (indicating the main theme of the album - Love, Alcohol, Drugs & Violence) but it's too "predictable" & lacks of upheavals
引言回復 :
"Shared my body and my mind with you, That's all over now" "Bible/Gun/Heroin/Bourbon..."
Ultraviolence: 6.5 --> 8/10
It's too repetitive when i first listened to it. But it turns out so haunting after some plays, reminding me of "Body Electric". The spoken part is giving me so much life.
引言回復 :
"I love you the first time, I love you the last time, Yo soy la princesa, comprende mis white lines, Cause I'm your jazz singer, And you're my cult leader" "Ultraviolence/Violins"
Shades of Cool: 9.5 --> 8.5 or 9/10
Jazz-influenced instruments and the bond theme make this song so stunning. Love the vocals & psychedelic guitar part. (But I'm overplaying it obviously... oops)
引言回復 :
"And when he calls, he calls for me and not for you" "But I can't fix him, can't make him better and I can't do nothing about this strange weather" "You're invincible/unfixable"
Brooklyn Baby: 10 --> 10/10
A classic Lana's song with all her signature themes (Retro-glamour, New York/Brooklyn theme, hipster culture). Everything in this song is on point - the production/vocals/lyrics/harmony...
引言回復 :
"La la la la.. Da da da...." "They judge me like a picture, by colours like they forgot to read" "Yeah my boyfriend's really cool, but he's not as cool as me"
West Coast: 9 --> 10/10
It's still so raw and fresh after thousands times of listening. IT JUST DOESN'T AGE!!! The change of tempo between verse and chorus + every detail in the instrument + rich layers are reasons why it's one of the most standout songs from the album
引言回復 :
The whole song indeed! Put your headphone on and experience it!
Sad Girl: 8 --> 9/10
The hybrid of jazz instruments and guitar sounds is beyond my expectation. They are perfectly combined. The only flaw is the cliched variation of words like "Sad/Bad/Mad"
引言回復 :
"Being a mistress on the side, it might not appeal to fools like you" "He's got the fire and he walks/talks with it" "Watch what you say to me, Careful who you're talking to, I'm on fire, baby"
Pretty When You Cry: 7 --> 7.5/10
It's not bad (the second most depressing song lyrically after the title track which endorses the abusive relationships), but it is inferior to the other songs in the album - or it doesn't have a unique sound to make it standout.
引言回復 :
"Don't say you need me when, you leave and you leave again. I'm stronger than all my men, except for you." The guitar-driven outro
Money, Power, Glory: 8 --> 8.5/10
Gorgeous production and chorus. Though it could be a safe single for her to get the general public, it's not a really standout song from the whole album
引言回復 :
"My life, it comprises of losses and wins and fails and falls" "Hallelujah, I wanna take you for all that you got"
F**ked My Way Up To The Top: 8 --> 8.5/10
I still can't figure out who she's trying to drag. But I love the way she uses the word "F**k" - 1. Sexual narration ("Lay me down to night, in my linen and curls"); 2. Expression of rage ("I f**cked my way up to the top, this is my show") & the way she secretly shades someone ("You got nothing, I got tested/I'm a dragon, you're a wh*re").
引言回復 :
"Lay me down tonight, in my linen and curls" (I love the tic tok instruments in the background, so "regularly irregular") "Go, go, go, go, go baby go... I need you baby like I breathe you baby" (This part is pure sex on fire!)
Old Money: 9.5 --> 9.5/10
Young and Beautiful 2.0. Lyrically, it's a love it or hate it track - it could be ultra-cliched or ultra-poetic. Sonically, it's far more stunning than Y&B but it sounds like there's something missing in the music - drums? or maybe some big orchestral instruments.
引言回復 :
"Blue hydrangea, cold cash, divine, cashmere, cologne and white sunshine; Red racing cars, Sunset and Vine. The kids were young and pretty." "The power of youth is on my mind, sunsets, small town, I'm out of time; Will you still love me when I shine, from words but not from beauty?" "My father's love was always strong, my mother's glamour lives on and on" "But if you send for me you know I'll come, and if you call for me you know I'll run/If you change your mind, I'll come"
The Other Woman: 8 --> 8/10
Same as "Blue Velvet", it shows you that as long as Lana has good material, she can always deliver good music. But here's one thing that it's superior to BV - the cover suits the whole story/theme of the album (being a mistress on the side)
Bonus Tracks:
Black Beauty: 9.5 --> 9.5/10 Sounds like a classic. I loved it once the demo leaked. After adding some drums in the chorus, the album version sounds more epic (and I'm still struggling over which one I love more)! It's another LDR song that you can weep along with.
Guns and Roses: 7 --> 7/10 Love the verse + bridge but I don't feel the chorus (too repetitive). It would be better if she put more effort on the lyrics though I like her mumbling in the track.
Florida Kilos: 6.5 --> 8.5/10 I didn't like it in the first place (actually I hated it. it was bad produced + sounded relatively weak...). But after a few trying, I start dancing with the beats. Weird! (If you like how she sounds in Lizzy Grant AKA Lana Del Ray, you will love it eventually. It's such a summer jam.)
Is This Happiness: 8 --> 8/10 Piano always sounds good with her vocals. It's cute but not unique at all. There's a reason why it was placed as a iTunes bonus track.
Flipside: 7.5 --> 8.5/10 Just like Florida Kilos, I didn't like it until it grows on me. I love how the major/minor chords change with the guitar. It's a cute song. (And obviously she recycled some lyrics "Ride"... but it works, so I won't complain about it ;) )
kaihei 在 周一 6月 30, 2014 5:43 pm 作了第 2 次修改
Dekiru 至尊妮神
::::: : You Can Go Your Own Way 文章總數 : 5030 來自 : Homeland Security 今日心情 : Summertime, sadness excluded 最愛妮歌 : OIDIA 妮幣 : 10752 Karma : 427
聽了一個星期後: Cruel World: 8.5 --> 9/10 I love the atmosphere and it's a really perfect album opener (indicating the main theme of the album - Love, Alcohol, Drugs & Violence) but it's too "predictable" & lacks of upheavals
Best part(s) 寫到:
"Shared my body and my mind with you, That's all over now" "Bible/Gun/Heroin/Bourbon..."
Ultraviolence: 6.5 --> 8/10 It's too repetitive when i first listened to it. But it turns out so haunting after some plays, reminding me of "Body Electric". The spoken part is giving me so much life.
Best part(s) 寫到:
"I love you the first time, I love you the last time, Yo soy la princesa, comprende mis white lines, Cause I'm your jazz singer, And you're my cult leader" "Ultraviolence/Violins"
Shades of Cool: 9.5 --> 8.5 or 9/10 Jazz-influenced instruments and the bond theme make this song so stunning. Love the vocals & psychedelic guitar part. (But I'm overplaying it obviously... oops)
Best part(s) 寫到:
"And when he calls, he calls for me and not for you" "But I can't fix him, can't make him better and I can't do nothing about this strange weather" "You're invincible/unfixable"
Brooklyn Baby: 10 --> 10/10 A classic Lana's song with all her signature themes (Retro-glamour, New York/Brooklyn theme, hipster culture). Everything in this song is on point - the production/vocals/lyrics/harmony...
Best part(s) 寫到:
"La la la la.. Da da da...." "They judge me like a picture, by colours like they forgot to read" "Yeah my boyfriend's really cool, but he's not as cool as me"
West Coast: 9 --> 10/10 It's still so raw and fresh after thousands times of listening. IT JUST DOESN'T AGE!!! The change of tempo between verse and chorus + every detail in the instrument + rich layers are reasons why it's one of the most standout songs from the album
Best part(s) 寫到:
The whole song indeed! Put your headphone on and experience it!
Sad Girl: 8 --> 9/10 The hybrid of jazz instruments and guitar sounds is beyond my expectation. They are perfectly combined. The only flaw is the cliched variation of words like "Sad/Bad/Mad"
Best part(s) 寫到:
"Being a mistress on the side, it might not appeal to fools like you" "He's got the fire and he walks/talks with it" "Watch what you say to me, Careful who you're talking to, I'm on fire, baby"
Pretty When You Cry: 7 --> 7.5/10 It's not bad (the second most depressing song lyrically after the title track which endorses the abusive relationships), but it is inferior to the other songs in the album - or it doesn't have a unique sound to make it standout.
Best part(s) 寫到:
"Don't say you need me when, you leave and you leave again. I'm stronger than all my men, except for you." The guitar-driven outro
Money, Power, Glory: 8 --> 8.5/10 Gorgeous production and chorus. Though it could be a safe single for her to get the general public, it's not a really standout song from the whole album
Best part(s) 寫到:
"My life, it comprises of losses and wins and fails and falls" "Hallelujah, I wanna take you for all that you got"
F**ked My Way Up To The Top: 8 --> 8.5/10 I still can't figure out who she's trying to drag. But I love the way she uses the word "F**k" - 1. Sexual narration ("Lay me down to night, in my linen and curls"); 2. Expression of rage ("I f**cked my way up to the top, this is my show") & the way she secretly shades someone ("You got nothing, I got tested/I'm a dragon, you're a wh*re").
Best part(s) 寫到:
"Lay me down tonight, in my linen and curls" (I love the tic tok instruments in the background, so "regularly irregular") "Go, go, go, go, go baby go... I need you baby like I breathe you baby" (This part is pure sex on fire!)
Old Money: 9.5 --> 9.5/10 Young and Beautiful 2.0. Lyrically, it's a love it or hate it track - it could be ultra-cliched or ultra-poetic. Sonically, it's far more stunning than Y&B but it sounds like there's something missing in the music - drums? or maybe some big orchestral instruments.
Best part(s) 寫到:
"Blue hydrangea, cold cash, divine, cashmere, cologne and white sunshine; Red racing cars, Sunset and Vine. The kids were young and pretty." "The power of youth is on my mind, sunsets, small town, I'm out of time; Will you still love me when I shine, from words but not from beauty?" "My father's love was always strong, my mother's glamour lives on and on; Yet still inside I felt alone, for reasons unknown to me." "But if you send for me you know I'll come, and if you call for me you know I'll run/If you change your mind, I'll come"
The Other Woman: 8-->8/10 Same as "Blue Velvet", it shows you that as long as Lana has good material, she can always deliver good music. But here's one thing that it's superior to BV - the cover suits the whole story/theme of the album (being a mistress on the side)
This entire album basically expands on the concept of "This is what makes us girls" Not as dreamy, but way more real substance
聽了一個星期後: Cruel World: 8.5 --> 9/10 Ultraviolence: 6.5 --> 8/10 Shades of Cool: 9.5 --> 8.5 or 9/10 Brooklyn Baby: 10 --> 10/10 West Coast: 9 --> 10/10 Sad Girl: 8 --> 9/10 Pretty When You Cry: 7 --> 7.5/10 Money, Power, Glory: 8 --> 8.5/10 F**ked My Way Up To The Top: 8 --> 8.5/10 Old Money: 9.5 --> 9.5/10 The Other Woman: 8-->8/10
This entire album basically expands on the concept of "This is what makes us girls" Not as dreamy, but way more real substance
yeah, it is a more mature + solid record with a more complete vision maybe she has experienced more in recent years or she knew that her american dream would never come true with those media dragging
she does know how to deliver the beauty of a rebel heart/imperfection/being the other woman....
::::: : the real bitch 文章總數 : 11936 來自 : taiwan 今日心情 : like me 最愛妮歌 : if u seek amy 妮幣 : 18272 Karma : 393
主題: 回復: 「ATTENTION!」專輯&單曲評分大樓三期 *Updated: Adam Lambert 周二 7月 01, 2014 3:42 am
kaihei 寫到:
Dekiru 寫到:
kaihei 寫到:
聽了一個星期後: Cruel World: 8.5 --> 9/10 Ultraviolence: 6.5 --> 8/10 Shades of Cool: 9.5 --> 8.5 or 9/10 Brooklyn Baby: 10 --> 10/10 West Coast: 9 --> 10/10 Sad Girl: 8 --> 9/10 Pretty When You Cry: 7 --> 7.5/10 Money, Power, Glory: 8 --> 8.5/10 F**ked My Way Up To The Top: 8 --> 8.5/10 Old Money: 9.5 --> 9.5/10 The Other Woman: 8-->8/10
This entire album basically expands on the concept of "This is what makes us girls" Not as dreamy, but way more real substance
yeah, it is a more mature + solid record with a more complete vision maybe she has experienced more in recent years or she knew that her american dream would never come true with those media dragging
she does know how to deliver the beauty of a rebel heart/imperfection/being the other woman....
10/10 1. Chandelier 9/10 2. Big Girls Cry 9/10 3. Burn the Pages 9.5/10 4. Eye of the Needle 9/10 5. Hostage 9/10 6. Straight for the Knife 7/10 7. Fair Game 9/10 8. Elastic Heart ft. The Weeknd and Diplo 8/10 9. Free the Animal 9/10 10. Fire Meet Gasoline 7/10 11. Cellophane 8/10 12. Dressed In Black
希雅匯集所有私藏歌曲於一張作品 其中可聽出不少以往幫其他歌手創作的影子
整張專輯少了點連貫性 感覺比較偏向歷年好歌精選 仍瑕不掩瑜專輯的高洗腦頻率
Dekiru 至尊妮神
::::: : You Can Go Your Own Way 文章總數 : 5030 來自 : Homeland Security 今日心情 : Summertime, sadness excluded 最愛妮歌 : OIDIA 妮幣 : 10752 Karma : 427
10/10 1. Chandelier 9/10 2. Big Girls Cry 9/10 3. Burn the Pages 9.5/10 4. Eye of the Needle 9/10 5. Hostage 9/10 6. Straight for the Knife 7/10 7. Fair Game 9/10 8. Elastic Heart ft. The Weeknd and Diplo 8/10 9. Free the Animal 9/10 10. Fire Meet Gasoline 7/10 11. Cellophane 8/10 12. Dressed In Black
10/10 1. Chandelier 9/10 2. Big Girls Cry 9/10 3. Burn the Pages 9.5/10 4. Eye of the Needle 9/10 5. Hostage 9/10 6. Straight for the Knife 7/10 7. Fair Game 9/10 8. Elastic Heart ft. The Weeknd and Diplo 8/10 9. Free the Animal 9/10 10. Fire Meet Gasoline 7/10 11. Cellophane 8/10 12. Dressed In Black
回頭看看這張專輯的前傳「MMLP1」,最有記憶的作品顯然是Stan, 一個人生已經絕望的fake teen gang不斷將自己的憤恨發洩到Slim Shady之上, 生動地刻畫出了fan-idol relation之間的不可確定因素與愚頓之處; (as a side note很多被打臉的現時Eminem歌迷顯然都沒有領會到這首歌真正的訊息)
這張專輯中段一大部分都繼承了這首歌的靈魂, 雖然情節無法接續(原曲中的虛構角色已經死了), 但透過例如Asshole這樣對女人的stereotype發揮到極致, So much better這樣的FML洩憤曲, 乃至Stronger Than I was這樣的重拍抒情(what is unconditionally?)等等的歌曲, 這張專輯成功地達到了Eminem最初所期許的目的——揭露他的真實人格。 Eminem歷來都是特別喜歡用alter ego的藝人, 碧昂絲的Sasha Fierce和Nicki的Roman Zolansky所有人都耳熟能詳, Eminem的Slim Shady應該不能再更iconic; 但揭下面具之後,這些看似膚淺又耐人尋味的角色 都是最標誌性的Eminem, 雖然歷年來沾染個人色彩的歌詞都逐步洩漏了線索,這張專輯算是破了Stan真實身分與Slim Shady中心思想的歷史懸案, 這些personal的情節 是這張專輯其中一個最有價值的環節。
是哪個製作人誤導她認為“Bang Bang”是好歌的?“Why Try”?“Love Me Harder”?甚至是“Best Mistake”?
這張專輯的優劣 基本上任何認真聽過她處女專輯的人 都能夠直接判別出來, 從頭到尾不說除了Problem以外沒一首擺脫得掉的Sarah McLachlan氣質(which is awful), 整體性低得可憐, 而且有史以來 既瘦 又長得好看 又有副好嗓子 又打扮得挺不錯的女歌手之中, 我還是頭一次見到一個可以把所有sex appeal完全唱到毫不吸引人的地步。 Azealia Banks is not alone.
Cut: “Problem” “Break Free"
Dekiru 在 周二 9月 30, 2014 5:42 am 作了第 1 次修改
Dekiru 至尊妮神
::::: : You Can Go Your Own Way 文章總數 : 5030 來自 : Homeland Security 今日心情 : Summertime, sadness excluded 最愛妮歌 : OIDIA 妮幣 : 10752 Karma : 427
主題: 回復: 「ATTENTION!」專輯&單曲評分大樓三期 *Updated: Adam Lambert 周六 9月 20, 2014 2:03 am
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本圖。] Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass ★★★☆ 整體的結構與bass節拍打下的點不錯,頗有Pink新專同名曲的風範, 平淡無奇的歌聲像杯淡茶一樣 襯著獨具特色的背景音樂反倒是相映成趣, 歌詞的uplifting message是它壓下聲勢浩大的Taylor Swift奪冠的關鍵。
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本圖。] Taylor Swift - Shake It Off ★★★☆ 如果Taylor一心所嚮的目標就是轉入流行音樂的話, 這樣的單曲或許是她的best bet了—— post-punk的節奏感讓歌曲整體顯得輕快有力,顯然是為了衝榜設計的; 製作非常安全,沒有任何不悅的元素,但也沒有任何出色的地方, 歌詞中玩的一些文字遊戲反而成了最終的highlight; props for singing “hella” good hair.
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本圖。] Nicki Minaj - Anaconda ★★★★ 其實除開取樣Baby Got Back的部分以外,Nicki對這首歌記憶點的貢獻是有限的, 但她品質最好的歌往往不是靠記憶點取勝; “B-b-by they way”之後的高能fast flow技術上雖然不難,但只有nicki一個人能夠唱出原汁原味, 給人一種急促的anaconda似乎馬上要蹦出來一樣的感覺。 now the question is, what is the entire album going to be like?
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本圖。] Iggy Azalea feat. Rita Ora - Black Widow ★★★★ 這首歌應該是Rita Ora這輩子最好的vocal表現(以後也難以超越這個), trap bass不比Fancy的差,還更有戲劇色彩; 兩位同時黑化的白人女星輪替的時間點挑得剛好,難得出色的Rita在主歌的表現不比bridge差, 讓整首歌達成了一種奇妙的平衡。 (順便MV真是難看)
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本圖。] Jessie J, Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj - Bang Bang ★★☆ 這三個人會選擇在這首歌裡take part都有問題; Jessie J的作詞程度可以afford遠比這出色的結果, 原地踏步的節奏讓Ariana原本清亮的聲音顯得俗不可耐, 更別說把Nicki的verse竄改得面目全非了。
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本圖。] Ariana Grande feat. Zedd - Break Free ★★★ Above-average use of electropop production, unjustified lyrics, unjustified technique—— 不過這首歌究竟會不會繼續變好 沒人知道。