美國好聲音第五季1. James Wolpert - "Love Interruption"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]2. Jacquie Lee - "Stompa"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]3. Matthew Schuler - "Hallelujah"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]4. Matthew Schuler - "Cosmic Love"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]5. Jacquie Lee - "Back To Black"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]6. Caroline Pennell - "The Way I Am"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]7. Will Champlin - "At Last"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]8. Tessanne Chin - "Underneath it All"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]9. Tessanne Chin - "Redemption Song"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]這季整體水準高 很輕鬆排出一堆唱作俱佳的表演 遺憾無特別喜歡的選手
美國最強音第三季1. Alex & Sierra - "Gravity"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]2. Alex & Sierra - "I Knew You Were Trouble"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]3. Khaya Cohen - "Let It Be"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]4. Alex & Sierra - "Say Something"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]5. Alex & Sierra - "Give Me Love"
英國最強音第十季1. Sam Bailey - "Clown"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]2. Luke Friend - "Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]3. Hannah Barrett - "Somebody Else's Guy"
澳洲最強音第五季1. Joelle - "Joey"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]2. Taylor Henderson - "One Crowded Hour"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]3. Dami Im - "And I Am Telling You"
瑞典偶像第九季1. Sakib Zabbar - "One And Only"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]2. Erik Rapp - "Hurtful"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]3. Miriam Bengtsson - "F**kin' Perfect"
挪威好聲音第二季1. Knut Marius Djupvik - "Set Fire To The Rain"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]2. Kristian Kristensen - "The Pot"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]3. Sindre Gjærum Hansen - "Retrograde"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]第一次有我喜愛的選手奪冠 終於
波蘭好聲音第三季1. Arek Kłusowski - "Angie"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]2. Arek Kłusowski - "Still Got the Blues"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]3. Arek Kłusowski - "A Song for You"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]4. Arek Kłusowski - "Have I Told You Lately"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]5. Olga Jankowska & Bartosz Kuśmierczyk - "Inspirations"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]6. Joanna Smajdor - "This Love"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]7. Kasia Stanek - "Waiting all night"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]8. Bartosz Kuśmierczyk - "Feel"
德國好聲音第三季1. Thorunn Egilsdottir - "Please Sister"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]2. Thorunn Egilsdottir - "The Scientist"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]3. Chris Schummert - "Pumped Up Kicks"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]4. Peer Richter - "Sie sieht mich nicht"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]荷蘭好聲音第四季1. Julia van der Toorn - "Age"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]2. Cheyenne Toney - "Formidable"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]3. Vince Irie - "La La La"
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本鏈接。]4. Fantine Tho - "Happy"