美國明星們經常的為Britney Spears(布蘭妮)的音樂實行指標性動作,就連美國時尚拜金女Nicole Richie(妮可李奇)日前也跳起布蘭妮的經典舞步"I'm a Slave 4 U"(愛的奴隸),並同時在Twitter上發表「In honor of my queen, @Britney Spears-」,致敬意味十足。
[您必需注冊并登錄才能查看本圖。] Don't threaten Nicole Richie with a dance-off.
The Ministry has proof of how disastrous coming up against her can be, especially when it comes to busting some classic Britney Spears moves.
A video was recently posted to her official YouTube page showing Richie and a male friend going head-to-head, shimmying to the Spears hit "I'm A Slave 4 U"
Richie is victorious by a mile, moving through the choreography as though she's spent many a night in front of the mirror with Brit-Brit blasting.